We Can Help You with That!

  • Posted on: Aug 15 2017
  • By:

Medical Dermatology Leeds, West YorkshireMatters of the skin are as important as matters of the heart, or any other aspect of your general health and wellness. The skin is the largest organ. It is on the skin where we may first notice signs of medical conditions or chronic inflammation within the body. It is also the skin that we present to the world. We all have every right to have nice, clear, healthy skin. Sometimes, to get that takes a little help from an experienced dermatologist.

Why might you need to see the dermatologist? Here are a few common reasons that patients come to our Leeds, West Yorkshire office.


There may be over-the-counter solutions and even natural remedies that could be used to reduce the inflammation of acne. If acne facial cleansers and topical creams do not improve the skin after a month or two, dermatologic care should be sought. Dr. Hussain understands the severe impact that acne can have on a young person’s life. He works carefully to appropriate treatment that will improve the health of the skin and reduce future breakouts.

Moles and Sun Spots

True moles are the clumps of melanin that were on your skin when you were born. Any growths that develop after birth are related to UV damage. That does not mean these “moles” are skin cancer, but it does mean that they should be monitored. With the advent of laser treatments and precision skin cancer removal techniques like Mohs, there is substantial hope for the cure when cancerous lesions are caught early. Skin cancer screenings should be performed in our office on an annual basis.


Skin redness may occur in small patches or as widespread flushing. In either situation, a flare-up of bright red skin can be unsettling, if not embarrassing. Your dermatologist can identify the reason for such inflammation, and treat it appropriately. Some of the common reasons that redness may occur, with or without itching, including dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, or eczema. We’ve got protocols in place to help patients manage each of these conditions.

There is no value in self-diagnosis. When the skin breaks out, becomes itchy, or flares-up, call your dermatologist for friendly assistance.

Posted in: Acne, Medical Dermatology

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