Upper forehead
Case ID: 0308

Close-Up: Surgical Hole After Skin Cancer Removal.

Close-up: Plastic Surgical Reconstruction by Dr Hussain.

Close-up: Long Term Result.
Surgical Hole After Skin Cancer Removal:
This patient had a deep skin cancer removed with Mohs surgery resulting in an extensive wound on the right upper forehead.
Plastic Surgical Reconstruction by Dr Hussain:
As the patient was very young, with very few expression lines within which to hide any scars, I decided to perform a ‘sliding advancement flap’ to conceal the scar within the hairline as much as possible. This involved freeing up the skin across her entire forehead, and ‘sliding’ it across to cover the hole. You will note the stitches are all along the hairline to keep the scarring away from the forehead itself.
Long Term Result:
The patient was delighted with the outcome of her surgery. See her story on the video section of the website.