Increased Rates of Skin Cancer are Alarming. Here’s what you need to know.

  • Posted on: Oct 15 2016
  • By:

Skin CancerDr. Hussain recently appeared on BBC Breakfast to discuss the substantial increase in cases of skin cancer in the UK over the past few years. Although the most common forms of this disease can usually be treated successfully without serious incident, there is a strong desire amongst all of us to never hear the words “skin cancer” directed at ourselves. As a result of the fear regarding skin cancer, a great number of people are simply spending more time indoors. This has produced a bit of a nasty side-effect: low vitamin D.

Why Vitamin D Matters
Vitamin D is integral to a number of processes in the body. When levels are exceedingly low, a person may be more prone to depression, dementia, heart problems, and several other conditions, according to some studies. That being said, research on the benefits of the “sunshine vitamin” continue, and researchers continue to be baffled by their findings. New guidelines in the UK state that most of us could benefit from vitamin D supplementation in the winter months. The good news is, this need not cost you a penny.

The Sunshine Vitamin is yours for the Taking, but you Need to take it
Vitamin D is dubbed the “sunshine vitamin” for a reason: our best source is natural sunlight. In fact, recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control in the United States suggests that it is the individuals who do not routinely get sun exposure who are at the greatest risk for skin cancer. It may seem contradictory, but states like Minnesota have higher skin cancer rates that California and Florida. The issue seems to be that a person who does not get much exposure is more prone to sunburn than the person who gets smaller doses of sunlight on a daily basis.

Here’s what this means for you. Sun exposure is not entirely bad. Many experts believe that we do ourselves the greatest good when we head outside into the early morning light with as much skin exposed as possible. There are even smartphone apps that can tell you how much exposure you need each day based on your location in the world.

Skin cancer is an important topic that we need to continue discussing. By keeping up with the latest information, we can all be better protected from this disease.

Posted in: Skin Cancer

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