Mohs Evolves into a Widely Appropriate Treatment Option

  • Posted on: Apr 15 2016
  • By:

MOHS SurgeryAs Mohs has become more recognized, this technique has gained a reputation as the gold standard in skin cancer treatment. Historically, the micrographic surgical procedure has been used to remove basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, but not melanoma. This is no longer the case.


The success rate of Mohs has remained consistent since its development by Dr. Frederic Mohs in the 1930s. The success rate of this technique in the treatment of primary basal and squamous cell cancers sits at about 99%. Recurring cancers are treated with a 96% success rate, which is higher than any other method of excision and treatment.

Success comes from the precision of the Mohs surgical technique. Dr. Hussain is fellowship trained by the American College of Mohs Surgery. This level of education is not obtained by every skin surgery physician, and reflects a passion for patient care not seen in every office. When you are facing a skin cancer diagnosis, you want a physician with the full extent of training necessary to provide you with the most advantageous prognosis, and that is Dr. Hussain.

Mohs Takes the Guesswork out of Skin Cancer Surgery

The Mohs technique is beneficial for patients because there is no guesswork involved in the process. Standard excision must remove healthy tissue around a lesion, whereas Mohs removes the least amount of tissue necessary. Layer by layer, cells are removed from a localized area. These cells are immediately examined under a microscope. As long as cancer cells are observed, additional layers of tissue are removed. Once microscopic examination is clear, the process is complete.

Mohs May be Appropriate for Melanoma

Until recently, Mohs has been limited to the removal of non-melanoma skin cancers. However, the evolution of this technique has made it possible for melanoma patients to seek this treatment. The use of special stains makes melanoma cells more visible than conventional stains, leading to accuracy in the removal process.

Skin cancer of any kind is concerning. Dr. Hussain understands the fear that his patients face, and their need for peace of mind. With clear communication and precision technique, he achieves optimal outcomes for skin cancer diagnoses. Send your enquiry to one of his West Yorkshire offices.

Posted in: Mohs Surgery

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