Lower eyelid / upper cheek
Case ID: 0527

Close-Up: Surgical Hole After Skin Cancer Removal

Close-up: Plastic Surgical Reconstruction by Dr Hussain

Close-up: Long Term Result
Surgical Hole After Skin Cancer Removal:
After removing this patient’s skin cancer with Mohs surgery, the patient was left with a deep hole as shown.
Plastic Surgical Reconstruction by Dr Hussain:
When I was deciding how best to repair this wound I was keen to try to hide any scars within natural facial expression lines and also to ensure that any reconstruction I performed did not pull down the lower eyelid (ectropion). I therefore performed a rotation flap as shown. These type of flaps often require long incision lines to allow the flap to get to where it needs to. The flap is curved up and beyond the outer aspect of the left eye to minimise the risk of the lower eyelid position being altered. I always tell my patients to expect some eye swelling and bruising for these repairs. Reassuringly, a black eye is very short lived and does not affect the outcome of the surgery.
Long Term Result:
The patient was delighted with the outcome. I was happy that not only had the flap provided good volume and skin colour restoration but also that the eyelid position had been unaffected by my reconstruction.