Tip of nose
Case ID: 0468

Close-Up: Surgical Hole After Skin Cancer Removal:

Close-up: Plastic Surgical Reconstruction by Dr Hussain:

Close-up: Long Term Result:
Surgical Hole After Skin Cancer Removal:
This patient had a skin cancer removed from the tip of his nose using Mohs surgery. You can see that the wound exposes the underlying cartilages of the nasal tip.
Plastic Surgical Reconstruction by Dr Hussain:
There are a number of ways I could have chosen to repair a wound of this nature. After a discussion with the patient, I opted to go an interpolated paramedian forehead flap. I felt this technique would restore the missing skin in the best way while avoiding further scarring on the nose itself. I also felt the scar on the forehead would settle down nicely with time. I therefore took a finger of skin from the left forehead, released it and swung it round to cover the tip of the nose, whilst it remained attached to the inner corner of the left eyebrow as seen. After 3 weeks, I released the ‘finger of skin’ and sculpted the nose to shape.
Long Term Result:
For a tricky defect on the tip of the nose, the result is very pleasing indeed. The patient himself was delighted (see his testimony on the video section of the website).