Central forehead
Case ID: 0550

Close-Up: Surgical Hole After Skin Cancer Removal

Close-up: Plastic Surgical Reconstruction by Dr Hussain

Close-up: Long Term Result
Surgical Hole After Skin Cancer Removal:
After removing a skin cancer with deep roots, this patient had a large defect on the central upper forehead.
Plastic Surgical Reconstruction by Dr Hussain:
Although a skin graft could have been undertaken here, I didn’t feel this would provide the best long term cosmetic result for this patient. I therefore performed a ‘sliding sub-galeal flap’ which I have published in the British Journal of Dermatology. The reconstruction allowed restoration of volume and contour which at this site is critically important.
Long Term Result:
The long term result is very pleasing indeed. The scar lines are well hidden and the symmetry of the eyebrows has not been affected. There is also no ‘dent’ in the contour of the forehead which would have occurred had I chosen to perform a skin graft.